Over the last bunch of years the things I've either considered standards, grown up with or taken for granted have been slowly phased out, tweaked or outlawed. Shit, I'm not straight up against change ( yes we can ) but it's the motivation behind these 'improvements' that gets my goat. All this crap is owned by huge monolith corporations so yeah, they can do what the hell they want with it, but just don't bullshit me that it's for any reason other than squeezing more bucks out of the masses. I'm keeping track of all this junk so in 5 years time when I'm buying a 100g chocolate bar for for $10 I'll have proof that shit was better back in the day.
Off the top we've been witness to; the subtle rebranding of Vegemite & VB ( cue the drop shadows & gradients ) , no smoking inside pubs & bars ( but yes, this I've grown to like ), the 2am lockout shamozzle ( Rock Out Good, Lock Out Bad, anybody? ) which will no doubt raise it's ugly head again, extended times for paid parking in the city on Sundays, no free sauce at fish & chip shops, potato cakes are pushing 90 cents a pop, the Coke can top has gone all weird ( that said, Coke is one brand bucking the 'drop shadow+20 colour gradient blends = modern' trend. The new can is one colour print & looks rad. ) train & tram tickets go up yearly ( where the hell is that money going ), Pasito can rebrand ( picked up a slab of that shit pre-change. Blaow! ) , rent - fuck you, some crap about rennet in Mars products ( now scrapped ), this $2 per ATM transaction malarkey ( which was happening anyway behind the scenes, it's just now I actually have to approve it. "Do you want to continue with transaction?" Well, no, not really. ), the Cocca Pops monkey looks like shit, Esky went bust, Polaroid - belly up, The Tote was touch & go for a while there, blah blah blah. I could go on but whatever. Point being I'm all for change, it's when the motivation behind the change is driven by bottom lines & business models rather than the greater good that my Spidey sense starts to rocket. Aaah, Pasito. COZ
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